Best Cheap Car Insurance for High-Risk Drivers
If you have a traffic citation, no driving experience, or poor credit, insurers may classify you as a high-risk driver and raise your premiums accordingly. However, there is still hope. There are many reputable carriers that will insure people with a bad driving record, and if you're having difficulty finding insurance, your state's automobile insurance program may be an option. Find Low-Cost Auto Insurance in Your Area If you want to get a list of high-risk insurance companies in your area, enter your ZIP code above to get a quote. Which companies provide the most affordable high-risk auto insurance? If your driving record places you in one of the high-risk categories, some companies may offer you lower car insurance rates than others. We compared rates from several major insurance companies that provide plans for high-risk drivers, and Geico consistently provided the lowest prices, with rates 36 percent lower than the average. Geico consistently provided the most affordable ...